Know-how based on decades of experience
Sometimes, even the best technologists do not have comprehensive knowledge of cutting tools. They do not deal with such tools on a daily basis. But we do. Thus, we can provide professional advice in the development phase, as well as when solving problems and optimizing productions. This is why the best Slovenian manufacturers trust us.

Top-quality materials and finishing
Our made to order cutting tools are manufactured from top-quality carbide hard metal, provided by a German supplier. We apply layers of highly advanced TiAlN, TiN and CrN based coatings to our cutting tools, as well as the novel nanolayer super-nitride blue-coloured TiAlN-BLUE coating. These coatings are distinguished by a smooth surface and good adhesion. They are well-suited for cutting tool protection in machining the most demanding materials.
Safe way to special cutting tools
Try our cutting tools that are adapted to your needs and machines, which feature superior durability with the fastest support throughout the tool life-cycle.
Please use the form below to send us a scheme of your new tool or workpiece. We will help you to develop an optimal solution and prepare a quotation for you.